
和某人闲谈。英文是:Chat with sb.重点词汇释义:chat 英[tʃæt] 美[tʃæt] vi. 聊天; 闲谈; 参加网络闲聊; n. (尤指非正式的) 谈话; 鸣禽; [植]柔荑花序(如柳絮); vt. 与…攀谈; 与…搭讪(或调情); [例句]The customers smooch and chat. 客人们拥抱亲吻与某人,亲热地闲聊着。[其他] 第三人称单数:chats 现在分词:chatting 过去式:chatted过去分词:chatted


How to communicate with my friends?    First, you have to make a friend. Look around if there’s any one thats spare or just sitting there doing something that interests you, you could go and talk to them and then there would be a big chance for you guys to make friends.    Second, once you maked a friend, be nice to him/her and talk to him/her often so both of you won’t forget each other.    Third, when you are having a really good friend with you now, go out and have some fun to improve your friend ship, it never ends when you communate a lot.


上一篇 2022年5月26日 下午11:51
下一篇 2022年5月26日 下午11:52
